Let's walk together - Letter April 2024 

Dear readers, 

"Let's be Peacemakers!", this is the theme for this  year. 

At the Epiphany mass at Notre Dame du Refuge (Anglet, France),

celebrating the birth and baptism of Father Cestac, the prayer Lamb of God said:

"Peace will have your face. Peace will have all ages. 

Peace will be you, will be me, will be us. And peace will be each one of us."

What an invitation! 

What is Peace?

How can we be Peacemakers?


A few definitions...

 - Peace is a concept that designates a state of calm or tranquility and the absence of disturbance, disorder, war and conflict, living serenely with others, linked to prosperity and harmony on a material and spiritual level. It corresponds to a social, spiritual, political, ecological, humanist and religious ideal for all humanity.  

There may be conflicts, as in any community, but they are resolved calmly by listening, understanding, dialogue and negotiation. It is a common interest. Peace cannot be defined as the well-being of a few individuals, but of all individuals. 

 - Without Peace, there can be no prosperous economy: "Peace is the economy, the economy is Peace". Social Peace is a state of harmony and agreement between citizens and social groups. Peace through knowledge allows the intellect to dominate man's destructive impulses. Peace through Love: impulses are overcome by a sense of closeness, empathy and solidarity.

 - Environmental and ecological Peace: "Peace begins from within, but it develops when we live in harmony with our natural environment."

There is a fundamental issue that is generally excluded from the discourse of Peace: the ability of human beings to respect the environment and live in harmony with nature. The inclusion of this component is essential, not only because the conflicts of the future will originate in conflicts over the natural resources depleted by humanity, but also because nature itself and the experience of living in a healthy relationship with nature can be a source of inspiration... and very powerful knowledge for shaping conscious, responsible and participatory human beings for a more Peaceful and inclusive society. 

Environmental Peace is proposed as an approach to the concept of Peace that transcends purely human relations towards relations between living beings.

Environmental Peace is committed to promoting the concept of unity and wholeness, where we are all interconnected as one and our actions affect this great unity. This approach allows us to tackle issues from different angles: using environmental problems as common ground for resolving human conflicts; using nature as a neutral setting for resolving conflicts; creating spaces where people, and young people in particular, can find common ground and work together to improve the conditions of their environment (natural and human); to facilitate meaningful life experiences for children and young people that enable them to learn by doing and develop skills for active participation in building a peaceful society.

 - When Jesus, after the resurrection, appeared to his disciples: "Eight days later, his disciples were again inside, and Thomas was among them. When the doors were closed, Jesus stood among them and said, Peace be with you." (Jn 20:26).

The Mass commemorates the meeting between Jesus and his disciples. The celebrant: "Peace be with you", and our response: "And with your Spirit", express the meaning of dialogue in the liturgy, between the priest and the faith of the faithful, just as Jesus did with his disciples. Jesus left Peace as an inheritance to his apostles: "Peace I leave with you; my Peace I give to you. I do not give it to you as the world gives. Let your hearts no longer be troubled and afraid". (Jn 14,27)

 - Shalom, Jewish Shalom: "Peace be with you." (Jn 20, 19-31)

The Hebrew word for Peace is shalom, which comes from a root that means fullness, integrity.

In the Bible, this word is generally used to describe a situation of calm, prosperity, well-being and security. shalom, when pronounced, means blessing, a manifestation of divine grace.  In the Bible, this word has a very rich and diverse range of meanings. It means both the opposite of a state of war and the state of the soul that lives in communion with God, and is still one of the favourite words of the Orient, whose modern salaam is closely related to the Hebrew châlôm (= Peace!). 

"Renew our hearts and minds, so that the word that always brings us together is 'brothren', and so that our way of life is always that of : Shalom, Peace, Salaam!" - Pope Francis 

What does mean to be a Peacemaker for Artificial Intelligence?

Via GPT chat, being a Peacemaker means being actively involved in building and promoting a more Peaceful world.

Below are some responses on this noble theme:

1. Peace as a craft: Being a Peacemaker means understanding that Peace is not simply the absence of conflict, but an active and constant creation. It is a delicate and detailed process that requires attention to every detail and ongoing commitment

2. Peace begins within: Before we can contribute to Peace in the world, it is essential to cultivate inner Peace. This involves working on self-knowledge, empathy and emotional control. Inner Peace is reflected in our interactions with others and in our ability to resolve conflicts constructively.

3. Building bridges, not walls: A Peacemaker seeks to connect with others rather than build barriers. They strive to understand the perspectives and experiences of others, encouraging open communication and mutual understanding. Building bridges becomes the basis for Peaceful conflict resolution.

4. The importance of dialogue: Peace is not achieved through imposition, but through open and respectful dialogue. A Peacemaker strives to create spaces where the voices of all parties involved are heard and where mutually beneficial solutions are sought.

5. Patience as a virtue: Peace-building can be a slow and sometimes frustrating process. However, a Peacemaker understands the importance of patience and perseverance. Transforming conflicts and building Peaceful societies takes time and requires constant commitment.

6. Sensitivity to injustice: Being a Peacemaker means being aware of the injustices and inequalities that exist in the world. The search for Peace goes hand in hand with the fight against discrimination, poverty and violence, by advocating social justice and equity.

7. Education for Peace: A Peacemaker recognizes the importance of education as a fundamental tool for transformation. Promoting education that encourages tolerance, respect and the Peaceful resolution of conflict is essential to building more harmonious societies.

8. Commitment to non-violence: Active non-violence is a cornerstone of the work of a Peacemaker. This means seeking creative and constructive ways of solving problems, avoiding violence in all its forms.

Being a Peacemaker is an ongoing journey, a job that requires constant reflection, authenticity and a sincere commitment to building a better world for present and future generations.

How many day of Peace?

According to J. de Bloch, between 1496 BC. and 1861, i.e. over 3357 years,
there were 227 years of Peace and 3130 year of war. 

Celebrations of Peace

 - 21 September, initiated by the United Nations (1981): International Day of Peace.

 - 1st January at the initiative of Pope Paul VI: World Day of Peace. For the 57th Day of Peace, Pope Francis invites us to reflect on the links between artificial intelligence and Peace. For the World Day of Peace in 2022, Pope Francis offers us "three ways to build lasting Peace", namely intergenerational dialogue based on trust and sincere listening, instruction and education as civilizing paths to freedom, and work as a factor of human dignity. 

The symbol of Peace

The dove with olive branch, in memory of the dove sent by Noah after the Flood and returned with an olive branch in its beak, a sign of new life springing up on Earth. (Gen 8:11).

The color of Peace

Blue, adopted by the United Nations on its flag, the blue Helmets of the UN. This color also represents faith, spiritual life, calm, peace and serenity. This color calms and reassures


The global Flame of Peace, in The Hague (Netherlands) 

Located near the Peace Palace, the World Peace Flame is a sign of hope and an instrument that inspires people to work for a better world. The design of the monument is based on the elements fire, water, earth and air, each symbolically represented in all its simplicity and naturalness.

Iroshima Peace memorial, or Genbaku Dome

The only building left standing after the first bomb exploded on August 6, 1945, has been preserved as it was. It stands as a reminder of the damage caused by the most destructive force ever invented by man, and as a symbol of hope for lasting peace and the total elimination of nuclear weapons on Earth.

Saint Francis of Assisi, the saint of the Peace, this is his prayer:

"Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. 

Where there is hatred, let me bring love. Where there is offence, let me bring forgiveness.

Where there is disharmony, let me bring unity. Where there is error, let me bring truth.

Where there is doubt, let me bring faith. Where there is despair, let me bring hope.

Where there is darkness, let me bring light. Where there is sadness, let me bring joy.

O Lord, may I not seek so much to be consoled as to console,

to be understood than to understand, to be loved than to love.

For it is in giving that we receive, it is in forgetting that we find ourselves,

it is in forgiving that we are forgiven, it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life."

What attitude for me today does this prayer inspire?

Virgin Mary, queen of Peace

Since 1917, Benedict XV and several popes have invoked Mary Queen of Peace.

In 1940, in Port Louis, Mauritius, the bishop erected a statue of the Virgin Mary to put the inhabitants under her protection during the Second World War.

The Patron Saint of the Diocese of Lomas de Zamora (Buenos Aires) is Our Lady of Peace, her statue was received on 22 March 2024 to Our Lady of Monte Grande school.

Like Father Cestac, let us ask him for the inspiration and conviction we need to be artisans of Peace.

May it guide our steps...

Queen of Peace, pray for us!

Here is the prayer written by John Paul II on 8 December 2003:

"Our eyes turn to you with greater anxiety, we turn to you with more insistent confidence in these times marked by many uncertainties and fears for the present and future destiny of our Planet.

To You, the first fruits of humanity saved by Christ and finally liberated from the slavery of evil and sin, we raise together a sincere and confident supplication:

hear the cry of pain of the victims of wars and so many forms of violence that make the Earth bleed;

dispel the darkness of sadness and loneliness, hatred and revenge;

open the minds and hearts of all to trust and forgiveness!

Queen of Peace, pray for us!

Mother of mercy and hope, obtain for the men and women of the third millennium the precious gift of Peace:

Peace in hearts and families, in communities and among peoples;

Peace, especially for nations that continue to fight and die every day.

Let every human being, of every race and culture, meet and welcome Jesus, who came to Earth in the mystery of Christmas to give us 'his' Peace.

Mary, Queen of Peace, give us Christ, the true Peace of the world!"