06/03/2021 | Agenda - News

27 March: an anniversary to mark, a follow-up to give… 

On March 27th, we are celebrating the feast of Fr. Cestac, a most joyful occasion for all of us. In preparation of the feast, in each week of March, small reflections will be uploaded. We wish you a fruitful preparation!

    Feast of Blessed Louis-Edouard Cestac (1801-1868)

On this anniversary, let us celebrate Blessed Louis-Edouard Cestac and remember his zeal for the Family.

For him, the Family is un replaceable and everything must be done to safeguard it. And if sometimes, unfortunately, it has to be replaced, how much care and love must be given to it.

May we pray to him that we may love what he loved and practice what he taught.

March 27 in Burlada...

This week, the Burlada School celebrated the Founder L.E. Cestac.

Each student dedicated their link to Louis-Edouard...

They celebrated a Eucharist in the parish and organised celebration activities for all ages. 

Despite the difficulties and measures of the times we live in, the feast was celebrated.

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