01/01/2022 | Agenda - News

The joy of the Magi: a joy full of hope... 

"Unveils the beautiful reality of God who comes to all:

every nation, language and people is welcomed and loved by Him.

His symbol is the light, which reaches everywhere and enlightens them." (Franciscus)

"Where is the king of the Jews who has just been born?

We saw his star in the east and came to bow down before him." (Mt 2:1-12)

The joy of the Magi is a joy full of hope. Its immediate fruit is to set out, to see the Lord, and to throw oneself at his feet to adore him. The Gospel scene shows us a spiritual path to follow, that of joy. A joy full of hope, a joy that leads to the encounter with the Lord, a joy of which adoration is a fruit. The Magi wanted to meet the Child, and their joy led them to the manger.

As for us, who are journeying towards eternal life, let us keep joy in our hearts, the joy of hope, the joy of the eternal life that has already begun.

We remember the tradition... of "la galette des Rois", the share of the poor and the absent.

The tradition is to share the cake in as many portions as there are guests, plus one, the first being always the poor man's portion, also called the Good God's portion or the Virgin's portion (possibly the portion of God and the Virgin). It was destined for the first poor person who presented himself.

There was also the share of those who were absent (the son in the army, the relative on a king's ship, the fisherman who had not returned...). It was stored in the hutch until their return. If it was kept for a long time, without crumbling or getting moldy, it was a good omen.

(From "croire.la-croix.com")

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