05/05/2020 | News

The life of the residents of the EHPAD in Biscarosse during the confinement. 

Here are some echoes of the EHPAD (an old age home) in Biscarrosse which closed its doors, since mid-March to save the residents from this dreadful virus.

In the beginning, the residents moved freely inside the institution, meeting each other, eating together, having common activities. A week later, two residents were affected by the virus; one died, the other is healed. As a result, all the residents were confined to their rooms. 

How to join them? That was my question. What contact do we make? 

As I meet the laundrywomen who work on the ground floor of the house, I was able to give them the mail. They played the postman role. So, I had the reply of the recipients. I regularly call other residents who can pick up their phones. We even sing songs from the past, such as "Etoile des neiges". They tell me what they are going through : "I knit, I knit, I read, I watch TV, I have courage, etc." They also tell me about their family. For the past few days they were able to see them through Skype. They pray and even Anne adds "I pray for you, my Sister."

I am also in touch with the animators. They are the ones who inform me that such and such a person wishes to speak to me. They make contact with her. Then, they express to me their joy of having been able to exchange.

Briskly waiting for the termination of this confinement so that we may find again our pleasant and joyful meetings!

Sr Gisèle Marie

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